Below are the Libertarian Party of Florida candidates that are currently filed to run for office.  If you are a candidate and don't see yourself listed, please email [email protected] and let us know what you're running for.

Feena Bonoan
Feena Bonoan is a veteran and candidate running for the US Senate. Advocating for fiscal conservatism and social liberalism, she aims to reduce government, empower small businesses, and promote criminal justice reform. Vote Libertarian. Vote Feena Bonoan.
Joseph Hannoush
Libertarian candidate FL House 2024. 3x previous Libertarian candidate (2022 US House, 2020 & 2018 FL House).
Josh Hlavka

Josh Hlavka, current LPF Chair, is a dedicated father and husband in Hallandale Beach. With over a dozen years in customer service and management, he champions fiscal responsibility, personal freedom, and property rights.
Matthew Johnson
Matt Johnson is a steadfast advocate for individual liberty & principled governance, running for Florida State House District 29. He is the Vice Chair & Communications Committee Chair for the LPF, Region 2 Alternate & Chair of LP Volusia County.
Joshua Krakow
Joshua Krakow, Chair of LP Lee County, is running for State House District 77. He works at Single Dads Outreach in Fort Myers. After a life-altering accident & custody battle, he became an advocate for fairer family courts and Libertarian principles.
Eric Montgomery
Region 9 Rep: Brevard, Orange, Osceola, Seminole. Candidate for Osceola County Commissioner District 3. 2024 candidate for Osceola County Commissioner 3rd District 30 Years working for major telecom company in network operations
Dennis Simpson
Region 6 Alternate
Nathan Slusher
Nathan Slusher is a small business owner in North Brevard and the owner of NRAYS LLC. He is an advocate for the people of North Brevard, known for his dedication to government transparency and his active participation in local municipality meetings.
Nathaniel Snyder
Nathaniel Snyder is running for Congress in Florida's 14th district advocating blue-collar values. A single father, he understands the challenges facing working families & special-needs kids. Snyder prioritizes school choice, insurance reform, & veterans.