Libertarian Party of Florida, Inc.

 Standing Rules

as amended by Executive Committee on December 17, 2023

ARTICLE I Chair Discretionary Fund

Section 1. The Chair of the LPF Executive Committee is authorized to spend, at the Chairs sole discretion, up to $250 per month without prior approval for any LPF business need that is exempt from federal taxation.26 USC 527(e)(2) 

Section 2. The Chair is required to provide a report of discretionary expenditures at the first regular business meeting of each month. This report shall include, at a minimum, copies of all receipts.

Section 3. The Chair shall be reimbursed for the use of personal funds for party business upon receipt of proper documentation by the Treasurer.

Section 4. The Chair's discretionary spending limit does not accrue from month-to-month.

Article II Operation First Step Incentive Program

Section 1. Purpose. The LPF establishes the Operation First Step Incentive Program to directly assist its affiliates with funding to achieve their local goals by providing a financial incentive to affiliates for members who are appointed to public office and join certain community service organizations.

Section 2. Timing. The Treasurer shall disburse awarded funds to affiliates within 60 days after the Executive Committee confirms each award.

Section 3. Applying for an Award. Affiliates or LPF registered voters must submit requests for an award to the LPF Chair, LPF Treasurer and their Regional Representative by providing written evidence of a qualifying appointment of a registered LPF voter to a qualifying board.

Evidence of a qualifying appointment includes an official letter of appointment, a saved copy of a government website listing a member's appointed status, or a media publication announcing or referencing a member's appointed status. Other forms of evidence may be accepted on a case by case basis by the LPF Executive Committee.

Confirmation of requested awards shall be placed on the agenda of the next regular business meeting after the request is submitted.

Section 4. Awards for Appointments. 

Municipal (less than 100k population) or County (less than 250k population)

  • $200 for first Board Appointment per unique individual
  • $100 for each subsequent appointment or reappointment of same voter
  • $100 for appointment as permanent presiding officer such as board chair

Municipal (at least 100k population), County (at least 250k population), or Multi-County Board Appointments

  • $300 for first Board Appointment per unique individual
  • $200 for each subsequent appointment or reappointment of same voter
  • $300 for appointment as permanent presiding officer such as board chair

State Boards or Gubernatorial Appointments

  • $400 for first Board Appointment per unique individual
  • $200 for each subsequent appointment or reappointment of same voter
  • $300 for appointment as permanent presiding officer such as board chair

ARTICLE III Presidential Electors

Section 1. In each presidential election year, the Executive Committee shall nominate a slate of presidential electors by resolution equal to the total number of U.S. Representatives and Senators in the State of Florida. 

Section 2. The list of presidential elector nominees, which shall include the contact information and voter identification number of each nominee,  shall be presented to the Governor prior to August 24th or as required by law.

ARTICLE IV National Committee Appointments

Section 1. All committee seats apportioned to Florida by the Libertarian National Committee shall be filled by appointment of the LPF Chair and confirmation by the LPF Executive Committee. Only persons who are current LPF members and members of the national Libertarian Party shall be eligible for appointment.

Section 2. Appointees may be recalled by a two-thirds (⅔) vote of the LPF Executive Committee.

ARTICLE V Executive Committee Meetings

Section 1. The Executive Committee shall meet at such time and place as directed by the Chair, or at the written request of one-third (⅓) of the Executive Committee.

Section 2. The Executive Committee may, without meeting, conduct business by electronic communication by voting on a motion with approval of the Chair. The Secretary shall record the disposition of the motion in the minutes of the next regular business meeting. If sufficient affirmative votes are not received by the Secretary within fifteen (15) days, the motion fails.

Section 3. Executive Committee members may vote by proxy if they submit a written notice designating a proxy no later than 24 hours prior to the meeting to the Secretary and Chair. FS 103.091(7)

          A. The Secretary will announce all proxies during the initial roll call of members at each meeting. The presence of the member at a meeting will invalidate that member's proxy. A valid proxy shall count as attendance for purposes of establishing a quorum. 

          B. Only Executive Committee members in good standing may serve as proxies and no member may serve as proxy for more than one other member.

          C. Members may vote on specific questions in absentia by written notice.

          D. Participating in meetings via telephony and other electronic means is allowed.

Section 4. Non-attendance of Executive Committee members shall be handled as described in this section.

          A. A member shall be deemed to be in non-attendance if, at a regularly scheduled Executive Committee meeting, the member fails to respond during roll call, or having missed roll call, fails to announce his or her presence before the meeting is adjourned.

          B. The Chair, or the Executive Committee by majority vote, may declare a member’s non-attendance to be excused. Excused absences shall not be considered as non-attendance. Failure to attend due to conducting official business in connection with a member’s public office shall be automatically excused. FS 103.091(8)

          C. Members are required to announce if they are leaving early. Failure to do so will be considered an absence.

Section 5. Notice of all party meetings shall be provided and include the time, date, and place, telephone conference number, internet URL, and login information where applicable at least fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting date. Notice of meetings, including the above referenced information, shall be published on the official Libertarian Party of Florida website at at least fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting date.

Section 6. Members of the Executive Committee must submit in writing to the Secretary and Executive Committee any motions to be included as new business in the proposed draft agenda at least four (4) days (96 hours) prior to the start of the regularly scheduled business meeting.

Section 7.  Motions put before the Executive Committee that authorize expenditure of funds shall include a statement of the maximum direct financial liability incurred if the motion were to pass. If the financial liability is unknown or unable to be calculated, then the motion shall include a statement that the financial liability is unknown and therefore unbounded.

ARTICLE VI Annual Business Meetings

Section 1. The Rules Committee may establish and publish convention rules to supplement existing requirements and Standing Rules. The Chair may exercise this right unless one third of the delegates object.

Section 2. Motions to be offered shall be provided to the Secretary in writing. The Chair may waive this requirement for routine matters, agenda items, and short wording.

ARTICLE VII Political Candidates 

Section 1. The Libertarian Party of Florida may provide financial and logistical campaign support, and conduct campaign activities only for official Libertarian Candidates as defined by Article IX in the LPF Constitution.

Section 2. The Executive Committee shall be the sole authority to authorize contributions to political candidates from LPF party funds, formally to endorse candidates in the state of Florida who are on the ballot for federal, state, or local political office, and to approve LPF contractual agreements with candidate campaigns.[FS 103.095(2)] Logistics support and any other non-financial assistance to candidates may be provided by committees or by Executive Committee members at their discretion in accordance with the Constitution, Bylaws, and Standing Rules.

Section 3. LPF members who wish to run for partisan public office automatically satisfy all party affiliation requirements of Florida Statute 99.021(1)(b).

ARTICLE VIII Proprietary Use of 'LPF'

Section 1. The LPF recognizes and respects the rights of others to use the label "LPF" to accurately refer to the Libertarian Party of Florida. The LPF also asserts its right to maintain control over any use of the label "LPF" that may cause confusion as to the source and authenticity of any content included in any web entity.