The Libertarian Party of Florida (LPF) unequivocally opposes any and all foreign aid, including the billions of dollars funneled to Israel. The United States government has no rightful authority to prop up foreign regimes, fund wars, or entangle American taxpayers in conflicts that have nothing to do with our national defense. Israel is not the 51st state—it is a foreign nation, and it is time we stop treating it as if it were an extension of the U.S. government.

The current Israeli government, led by war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu, is engaged in the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, and the U.S. is complicit. Every bomb dropped, every bullet fired, and every missile launched against civilians carries the fingerprints of American military aid. This is not just an injustice—it is an outrage. By continuing to supply money and weapons, and potentially taking control of Gaza, the U.S. government is fueling a genocide that makes both the U.S. and Israel less safe.

The only moral and strategic course of action is to immediately end all foreign aid and arms shipments—to every foreign nation, including Israel. The U.S. government has no right to take money from Americans to fund death and destruction overseas, especially a situation as grotesque as the genocide of Gaza. If we truly want peace, we must stop being the world's arms dealer.

And let’s be clear: Trump's latest message plunges us much deeper into this conflict, and we will soon see American boots on the ground. We will see our sons and daughters dragged into yet another endless war. We will see more American lives lost—not to defend our country, but to defend the interests of corrupt, soulless foreign politicians and military-industrial profiteers.

Libertarians have always stood for peace, free trade, and non-interventionism. We demand that the U.S. government stop fueling foreign wars and instead spread a definitive message of peace. The LPF calls on Congress to cut ALL foreign aid, end military intervention, and focus on America’s real security—the security of its people, its economy, and its civil liberties.

Enough is enough. No more money. No more weapons. No more wars. America and Peace First.