Hurricane Ian has been ravaging Florida all day. Due to the damage from the storm, numerous Floridians are not only without power and water; but are also without food, water, and many other provisions necessary to daily life. We have a team of volunteers working with the Libertarian Party of Florida ready to collect and distribute these badly needed supplies to bring immediate aid to those badly in need.

Call to Action!

You can help by purchasing any of the following:

  • Water Bottles
  • Toiletries/Personal Hygiene Items (Toothbrush/Toothpaste/Soap/Shampoo, etc.)
  • Diapers
  • New Underwear and or Socks
  • First Aid Items
  • Cleaning Supplies
  • Canned Goods
  • Pillows and Blankets
  • Box Fans
  • Work Gloves
  • Shelf Stable Food (many will not have the means to reheat due to being without power)
  • Baby Formula
  • Pet Food

How To Help:

To make this as efficient as possible, please place your orders online at and schedule the order for pickup at the following location.  From there, our volunteers will get them on transports and get them delivered to those in dire need.  The deadline for donations is Sunday, October 9th at midnight.


1621 Main Street, Chipley  FL 32428.

Please add John Thompson as the primary pickup contact.  Please make sure the pickup time is set to 10PM

Please email [email protected] for additional information or additional pickup locations, as more will be added as we can get them set up.

Let’s put voluntarism into action!

Matthew Johnson


Matt Johnson is a steadfast advocate for individual liberty & principled governance, who ran for Florida State House District 29. He is the Chair & Communications Committee Chair for the LPF, Region 2 Alternate & Secretary of LP Volusia County.