The below post is based on data I found in a tweet yesterday. It struck a chord with me, and I thought it would be interesting to consider it further, since Florida’s Constitutional Carry law went into effect. Some of the numbers were outdated, so I updated where I could.
As of July 1, 2023, Florida ascended to the list of states embracing Constitutional Carry laws. Now, those Floridians who can pass a background check for firearm purchase can also legally conceal carry without the burden of getting a license. This development, albeit controversial among gun control advocates, reminds me of Robert A. Heinlein’s famous quote: “An armed society is a polite society,” a concept that applies equally to citizens and law enforcement.
Contrary to alarmist predictions, Florida cities do not figure among the nation’s most violent, and a drastic increase in violence due to this new law would be surprising. Floridians have had relatively easy access to CCW licenses and legal gun purchases for years, in comparison to other states. Conversely, cities grappling with rising illegal gun crime — St. Louis, Detroit, Baltimore, and Chicago — are among the leaders in gun violence, despite their stringent gun control laws. These cities account for over 30% of all gun crimes, prompting questions about the effectiveness of strict gun control laws in mitigating violence.
Gun control advocates frequently reference the sobering figure of over 30,000 gun-related deaths annually. However, a closer inspection paints a far more nuanced picture. Approximately 22,938 (76%) are suicides, a heartrending figure unlikely to be significantly impacted by gun laws. Another 987 (3%) are law enforcement-related and should be excluded from gun control debates. Finally, 489 (2%) are accidental fatalities, which are also arguably outside the scope of the gun control discussion.
With these adjustments, the actual figure for gun-related homicides stands at 5,577, representing a minuscule 0.0017% of the U.S. population. While every loss of life is deeply tragic, these numbers are far less than what is routinely parroted by the corporate press. This discrepancy demands a reconsideration of the supposed severity of gun violence.
For context, compare these figures with the leading causes of death in the U.S. each year: traffic fatalities (approx. 42,795 in 2022), influenza (49,000+ deaths), drug overdoses (over 109,000 deaths in 2022), preventable medical errors (250,000+ deaths), heart disease (695,000+ deaths), and abortion (an estimated 930,162 deaths in 2022). Slight reductions in any of these categories could significantly outpace the total number of lives saved if the gun grabbers grabbed all the guns, even when including all gun-related deaths.
The new Florida law liberates its law-abiding citizens to safeguard themselves and their families if necessary, relieving them of the financial burden of permit fees. It also acknowledges the reality that illegal gun crime is often concentrated in areas with stringent gun control laws because criminals, unsurprisingly, tend not to follow the law.
Prominent critics of the right to bear arms, such as Joe Biden, Gavin Newsom, and Kathy Hochul, frequently advocate for stricter gun control. However, the Second Amendment thankfully remains an essential bulwark for American citizens against potential authoritarian control. A disarmed population is much more susceptible to manipulation and subjugation. The recent pandemic-era removal of liberties have underlined the importance of resisting disarmament.
The increase in law-abiding citizens carrying firearms is unlikely to significantly affect the gun homicide rate, considering its already marginal proportion of the total population. On the contrary, it could potentially deter crime, promote a greater sense of personal responsibility, and shift the public discourse on guns from fear to understanding.
The adoption of Constitutional Carry laws by Florida represents a reaffirmation of citizens’ rights and a challenge to the prevailing narrative surrounding gun control. It highlights the importance of a nuanced understanding of gun-related violence statistics and highlights the role of personal responsibility in fostering a safer society. As we move forward, let us hope for a continued dialogue that values evidence over hysteria and upholds the freedoms our forefathers fought for.
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