The Lars Mapstead campaign is continuing its series of virtual town halls and we would love to see you attend and participate! The Second Q&A Town Hall with Libertarian Presidential Candidate Lars Mapstead over Google Meet will occur Wednesday, September 13th. Other opportunities are currently scheduled for September 20th, 26th and October 4th.

Lars has been featured in polls in both the Wall Street Journal and FiveThirtyEight, being the only LP Presidential Candidate to garner national attention to his campaign!

This will be a great opportunity to ask him about his campaign and to get to know him. If you or anyone you know are planning on being a delegate to the 2024 Libertarian National Convention, this is something you won’t want to miss!

So that we can make sure you receive the invite, please submit this form prior to the Google Meet:

Link to September 13th’s Town Hall: <<Link>>

Or dial: +1 570-900-2617 PIN: 933940774

If anyone wants the LPF to announce any event or invitation by a candidate for the LP Presidential nomination please let us know. Thank you.

Matthew Johnson


Matt Johnson is a steadfast advocate for individual liberty & principled governance, who ran for Florida State House District 29. He is the Chair & Communications Committee Chair for the LPF, LNC Region 2 Alternate & Secretary of LP Volusia County.